Sunday, June 15, 2008

Do You Yen to Pound Out a Profit?

Currency trading is really not as hard as it looks. Before a single cent is traded, you need to take the time to educate yourself. Always trust yourself more than anyone else. Forex trading is oftentimes traded with an underlying emotion or hunch. Someone else's hunch may not be the same as yours. The best thing to do is take the human factor out of transactions completely by using automated forex trading.

Forex trading platforms are basically charting tools to make trading easier. Good automatic forex trading programs will work with any platform and all currencies can be used with the automated Forex trading software. Most will also support well over 20 currency pairs.

Among all the countries in the world, five currencies stand out as the most popular:

Swiss Franc - The Swiss franc is independent of the G7 countries and the European Monetary Union yet historically continues to be one of the top five currencies. This is partially based on the fact that the Swiss economy is one of the most stable in the world.

British Pound - This currency is traded competitively against the US Dollar and the Euro. It was the currency to beat until late 1940's when the US economy began to stabilize.

Japanese Yen - Although the Yen's presence is small compared to the US Dollar and the Euro, it is still considered the third most traded currency. It has many traders, but remains very liquid.

Euro - A new currency that came into being in 2002 and is the legal tender of12 different countries withing the European Union. It's popularity has grown fast and is the second most traded currency.

US Dollar - The primary currency of the world. Every currency traded is evaluated against the dollar. This is the number one traded currency and tends to be involved in the best Forex trading transactions.

Beginners may want to stick with these five until they become more experienced. Other pairs become tricky to trade. Trading exotic pairs can be confusing with limited options, but it is possible. Automated Forex trading makes it easier.

The Best Hours To Trade Forex

Forex trading has become extremely popular with small investors and it is now an easy market to enter with relatively small investment capital. It is also the world's largest and most liquid financial market with trading operating around the clock.

The market offers the opportunity for many small investors to literally quit their day job and make a very comfortable living working from home over the Internet and has indeed made many small traders very rich indeed. However, like most things in life, it is not without its downside and trying to trade without knowing exactly what you are doing is a recipe for disaster.

One question which many novice traders ask is "when is the best time to trade?"

The forex market is a very volatile market and prices can move up and down very quickly and literally from minute to minute, so that every minute you are in the market is an important minute. Choosing just when to trade, as well as having a variety of safeguards in place for every trade, is thus an important consideration. Remember though that you can enter and exit the market as many times as you like during the course of a day and so we are not talking here simply about choosing your working day in the same way that you would choose your hours for a regular day job. You can, for example, enter the market by opening a trade at 10:00 am and exit the market by closing that trade at 10:10 am. You might then decide to stay out of the market for a while and start trading again at 1:25 pm by opening your next position.

There is no 'home' for the forex market and trading takes place across the globe, although there are a number of significant trading centers in each of the three main trading regions of Australasia, Europe and North America. For example, within Europe trading takes place in several cities including London, Frankfurt, Paris and Zurich.

In theory the market is not in fact open 24 hours a day and each trading center will have its own set operating hours. Trading for example starts in Sydney and is followed by trading in Tokyo, London and New York. Because of global time differences however you will find that there is a trading center somewhere in the world which is open at any time of the day or night, seven days a week, and since traders have access to all of these trading centers you can effectively trade around the clock.

As an example, the time is just coming up to eleven o'clock on a Friday morning in Thailand as I write this article, so where can I trade at the moment. Well, the markets in Europe and North America are currently closed, but I could trade if I wished to do so through Sydney or Tokyo. However, if I decide to spend the afternoon on the beach (which is entirely possible) and then to trade later in the day then the markets here in the Far East would be closed but I could trade first through London or Paris and later through New York.

Now this is all very well but the question is not really when can you trade, but when is the best time to trade?

Trading volume is high through the day simply because of the sheer size of the market but this volume will peak whenever the trading hours of two or more of the three main trading areas overlap. This in fact happens at two time periods between 2 am EST and 4 am EST when the Australasian and European markets are operating at the same time and between 8 am EST and 12 pm EST when the European markets and North American markets are both open at the same time.

So, unless your trading strategy involves specific currency pairs being traded in particular markets, the times above are those times when you will see the greatest number of possible trades and thus the times which many traders find to be the most profitable.

Forex Trading Software Is The Foundation Of Successful Trading

Improvements in forex trading software in recent years have made trading not simply a great deal easier but also a great deal more profitable, especially for the newcomer to the world of foreign exchange trading.

Today there are two different types of trading software in use - 'service-side' software and 'client-side' software.

Service-side software is operated by a broker and you use the software by navigating to the broker's website and logging in to your forex trading account. The great benefit of this type of trading software is that your broker is responsible for installing, maintaining and updating the software and you do not have to worry about any of the technical 'back-end' problems. On the other side of the coin however you are also restricted to using this software as it has been configured and do not have a great deal of flexibility in how you operate it.

Client-side software by contrast is installed on your own computer and you can mix and match different software package and configure them to work just as you like. You do however have to install them yourself, or have someone install them for you, and will also have to configure, maintain and update them.

For most novice traders service-side software is the obvious choice and you can move on to client-side software packages as your level of knowledge and experience permits. The most important thing however for any trader is to pick the software which provides you with the information you need and does so in a way which is easy for you to find your way around and trade quickly and efficiently.

Trading software must for example give you an overview of the market so that you can spot trends and opportunities as they arise in real time and then allow you to focus in and receive detailed information on particular currency pairs with constantly updating real-time prices, as well as historic price data. It also needs to allow you to follow the movements of several different currency pairs at the same time and to open and close trades at the click of a mouse.

Most important of all your software must provide you with the tools that you need to analyze the market and, nowadays, perhaps the most powerful of these is charting software. Almost all traders today rely heavily on technical analysis to predict future currency movements and the currency chart lies at the very heart of technical analysis.

One other very important consideration is that of security. Security is an important issue whenever money is concerned and this is especially true when you are working over the Internet. Any system which you use for trading must be operated in a secure encrypted environment and the system must be fully protected and continuously monitored.

Finding the best forex trading software system is not easy and will take you a bit of time. It is however the main tool of your trade and so do not simply accept the first system you come across and work with it, good or bad. Look around, seek advice and find a system which suits you and which helps you to make money, rather than frustrate you in your efforts.

Successful Online Trading

With the vast technology development, trading on-line has been extremely easy. Whatever you trade - stock, option, futures, forex, etc - placing a trade order can be done within seconds or even just with one mouse click. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, trading on-line can be done from anywhere in the world.

Some of the brokers that offer on-line trading are, among others, Interactive Broker, Optionsxpress, Scottrade, Thingorswim, and TD Ameritrade. With the presence of on-line trading, trading financial instruments these days are not only the monopoly of big and professional traders, but also individual investors. It is not surprising then that the trading size of financial instruments has increased at an exponential rate.

Having said that, speedy internet connection is not the only determinant to succeed in on-line trading. Dealing through a reliable broker is another key success factor. The question then is how you would know if a broker is reliable or not to be your on-line trading partner. After browsing through a number of brokers, here are what I thing you should consider when picking a broker.

1.Commission. Some brokers offer a commission as low as $1 per transaction, while others charge a variable amount depending on the transaction value. Some brokers charge a low flat fee, but they may charge extra fees for order cancellation, or market data feed they provide. The bottom line is, be extra diligent and dig out the details of the fees they offer. 2.Trade tools. More and more brokers now offer excellent tools such as stock price streaming, charting tools, live news feed, and so on. Many of them also provide videos that outline step-by-step guide to help you get familiar with their systems. The bottom line is there are many to choose from, take your time to really pick the one that is the most suitable to your trading needs.

3. Trading platform. Some brokers offer web-based platform, whereby you can log in to their system from any computer station. As for the others, you should download their software to be installed into your computer station. In many cases, I found the separate trading system provides more features, even though it is less practical.

4. Security/ protection. Given the possibility of fraud, many on-line brokers now add additional layers of protection in addition to just password. Explore how well your account is protected.

5.Site's speed. In addition to your own internet connection, your trade execution also depends on the broker's overall networking system. Some brokers have excellent and speedy network as such that placing orders only takes one or two seconds. This is a crucial factor in trading on-line, thus test-drive your broker network first before you execute any sizable real trade.

6.Customer service. Having a friendly and helpful customer service must be on your broker checklist. Many brokers provide support through phone calls, emails, or one-on-one live chat. Imagine if you are in the middle of a trade and come across problems, and the customer service is not readily available to help you. That is such a terrible situation that should not ever happen.

Simulated Forex Trading Can Save You A Fortune

We are all familiar with such things as flight simulators used to train airline pilots, but did you know that there are also such things as forex simulators?

Forex simulators, which operate very much like many PC games which start out by giving you a scenario and then setting you a target, allow you not simply to practice trading in a safe environment without risking any money, but also allow you to 'rewind' your trading and analyze just what you got right and what you got wrong. They also allow you to practice trading in your own time and at your own pace and can pack weeks of conventional training into just a few days.

Here are just some of the benefits of using a forex simulation package:

Learning currency relationships. Many traders have no problem understanding the workings of a single currency but find it difficult to get used to working with a currency pair. A simulator however teaches and reinforces the relationship on one currency to another and the impact that one currency can have on another.

Understanding market conditions. An understanding of the forex market and, more importantly, a knowledge of how to use the market to your own advantage is critical to success. Simulation updates traders on economic conditions and news which can affect the market and shows, often quite dramatically, how economic events can move trading currencies. This is a powerful lesson to learn because it is fundamental to gauging when to enter and when to exit the market.

Differentiating between short-term and long-term trading. By allowing you to work with short-term and long-term trades, simulation clearly demonstrates that there are significant differences between to two and that forex traders often choose to trade in one or the other, but not both.

Understanding the advantages and dangers of caution. All too many traders, and especially novice traders, are too cautious when trading and simulation allows you to throw caution to the wind and experiment with setting stop losses less tightly than you would otherwise do in live trading.

Identifying trading preferences. Simulation can allow you to trade independently or with the help of a broker and, in so doing, decide whether you prefer to involve a broker in your trading decisions or to make your own trading decision, based upon your own knowledge and advice sought from a variety of different reputable sources.

Identifying and setting trading strategies. On of the most important things for any forex trader is to set himself a trading strategy and then stick to it. However, establishing the right trading strategy can be difficult and traders are often tempted to switch strategies believing that an alternative just might be more profitable. With simulated trading you have the opportunity to test out as many different strategies as you wish quickly and in a safe environment and to select the best strategy before you enter the world of live trading.

The world of forex trading is both exciting and profitable but it can also be very dangerous if you do not know exactly what you are doing. The first step for any novice trader must therefore be to learn everything he can about the currency trading world and then get in some serious practice before beginning live trading.

Forex Beater - Your Gateway to The Financial World

The Forex market, one of the most complicated financial markets in the world, attracts many people, mainly on account of the huge turnover that this market achieves on an everyday basis. First of all, here are a few simple facts that you would need to know about this market. The Forex trading is done more or less, round the clock, all the way from the Sydney market to the Japanese market. This market is all about trading in currencies, where one currency gets bought while the other is sold. The currencies are traded in pairs with one of them as the base currency, like the Dollar/Yen. These pairs are then bought and sold with the traders pocketing the difference in the pips between the buy and sell. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But that is just a mirage, for this market is as complex as it could get and even more so. Forex trading is an over the counter market and is a market where the risk is quite high. You should take care to note that as a trader makes money, someone else loses it. In the end, in order to make money than lose it, you would have to make your self aware of all the factors that can affect this market like the news to becoming talented enough to analyze the technical trends.

Each and every one of us would like to make a quick buck, but the saying that 'there is no such thing as a free lunch' applies here very much. It is actually quite easy to lose money in this market, for this is a fast moving market. In order to trade here effectively, you need to be prepared to contribute quite a bit of your time, to understand it. You should be able to understand all the technical analysis and undertake a fundamental analysis on the currency all on your own. For a beginner, this may well be too much, for in addition to being aware of the recent news and its impact on the currency, you are required to make sense of the charts. The market is porous as the currency movements are affected by various factors from the news to the entertainment front, giving it a level of complexity unknown to others. For example, take the recent mortgage crisis of the U.S, well, that resulted in the Dollar taking a free dive against most of the other currencies with the Dollar /Yen going all the way down from 118 to 104 within these last few months. So for the unwary dealer, the free fall of the Dollar would have resulted in huge losses. But with the right tool, that trader would have managed to ward off that loss. Most of the software products available for the Forex market were a bit complicated, at least until now. The Forex Beater from is the perfect software tool that has been designed for the common man than for the expert.

This software tool was developed only recently and has come as a welcome relief to many Forex beginners. Let's face it, with all the trends and analysis that you, as a beginner are supposed to carry out on an hourly basis, you may well not have had the time to make an actual trade in this highly competitive market. But with the Forex Beater, you can rest easy, for at last, here is a tool that can actually simplify this complicated market. The Forex Beater manages to beat the Forex market at its own game by effectively analyzing all the technical data as well as any chart analysis and initiate the trades for you. You can just rest on your futon and let the Forex Beater do all the work. This tool is not the kind of tool that may net you millions the very next day, but it should be able to garner you a very nice income on a daily basis. In addition, this tool is currently offered with a total refund guarantee making it all the more attractive. The Forex Beater may sound to be too good to some but all it does is optimize the capital, analyze the trends effectively and make the right trades. This tool is the perfect beginner's tool and one that sets out to do what it is supposed to do - simplify Forex trading.

Forex Tracer 2008 Expert Advisor

A breakthrough in automated forex trading has arrived. The next best thing to printing money, the automated forex tracer. New powerful automated forex system revealed for the first time . $30,000 a year from forex ? Forget that ! $335,000 with the forex tracer !! Hi , What would you say if I told you that last year you could have made $30,000 just by leaving your computer on? Great, you might say where do I start? But wait it gets better, last year you would not have made $30,000, you would have made over $335,000 ! (Three hundred and thirty five thousand dollars) simply by leaving your computer running and letting my forex software trade the market for you.

Forex trading once restricted to the large banks and blue chip companies has now become available to the average Joe. Thanks to the power of the internet and leverage offered by independent brokers the ability to trade forex has never been easier and is fast becoming the number 1 home based business opportunity.

My forex software allows even the most technically challenged among us trade forex successfully for a living. All that is required is a basic internet connection and the ability to follow the simple setup instructions, once installed sit back and relax while the 'forex tracer' meticulously scans the market for trading opportunities and automatically picks off the trades with sniper like precision.

Don't miss out on this amazing software ! The price cannot be held at this low price for long!

Forex Robots - a FREE One That is Proven and Makes Big Gains

Of course you can buy a forex robot from the net but most of them won't make you money as they have never been traded and have paper track records or you can have one which is FREE works, will continue to work and has made huge gains...

Before we start most forex robots don't work because they are designed in hindsight and the vendor bends the rules to fit the data he is testing as no two portions of data ever replicate themselves exactly, the system fails.

This is known as "curve fitting", or bending the rules to fit the data.

One trader I know, likened this to shooting at barn door and then drawing a chalk circle around each and every shot, to make it look like a bulls-eye afterwards.

Here's the disclaimer you see on just about every robot sold:

"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".

Now people get put off automatic forex trading systems and think they just don't work but they do and the one that we are going to outline has been used as the basis for forex trading strategies for some of the top traders in the world.

Before we outline it, be aware it cannot be "curve fitted" why? Because its only one rule and you cant curve fit that by definition!

The system was originally devised by legendary trader Richard Donchian to trade commodities and takes advantage of the 4 week cycle that prevails in most markets. Here is the rule:

It's simple - buy a 4 week calendar high and reverse and sell a 4 week low - that's it.

To simple to make money? Not as all...

Try it and you will see it makes money and is basically a long term breakout trend following system which will put you on the right side of every major move.

The only downside is when the market doesn't trend it can get chopped but you can cut drawdown by exiting on a shorter time frame ( try 1 and 2 weeks) and then re-entering on the 4 week rule.

This system has been used by trading legends such as Richard Dennis and if it's good enough for him well its good enough for you and me.

A word of warning this system works and will continue to work but it requires discipline - its long term and its not fussy about market timing and there is no manual input but stick with it over the longer term and you will be well rewarded and NEVER miss a big trend again.

Most traders won't use it though after all it's not as trendy as Fibonacci, a neural network or system based on chaos theory yet, it will beat 90% of other systems hands down.

If you are interested in making money from a forex robot and you want one that's stood the test of time then you should use the 4 Week Rule

All the best forex trading systems are simple and you can't get much simpler than this one but don't assume because its simple it doesn't make money - it does. Try it for yourself and see.

Forex Trading Education - 5 Common Accepted Ways to Make Money NOT to Learn

Many traders work hard at their forex trading education but simply fall victim to the myths and scams that abound online. If you try and learn ideas that are proven to failure, then of course you are going to lose - but 90% of new traders do this!

Here is your list of things that you definitely don't want to learn.

1. Forex Day Trading

You can try as hard as you want to learn methods and systems but you won't win because the logic is dumb. You cannot predict what millions of traders will do in a day and all volatility is random.

If volatility is random, you can't get the odds on your side and you can't win.

2. Forex Scalping

This is simply a dumber version of day trading instead of judging within a day the time periods can be minutes! Steer clear.

3. Scientific Theories of Prediction

The logic here is that human nature is constant so we can predict what humans will do with scientific accuracy.

There is a huge industry in selling the secrets of such legends as Fibonacci, Gann and Elliot - but leaving aside they made no money with their theories, it's obviously not true...

If markets moved to a scientific theory, we would all know the price in advance and there would be no market - pretty obvious really.

Leave these theories to the far out investment community, the naïve and lazy traders and see forex for what it is a game of odds.

4. Don't Learn a Complicated System!

Many traders are very clever and try and use there brain to build complicated systems.

They normally fail, because in forex you need to keep your system simple there is no link between complexity and success.

Simple systems work best, because they have fewer elements to break and are more robust.

You get judged on only one criteria in forex trading and that's your market timing and the accuracy of your trading signal - that's it, and to be accurate you don't need to be complex.

5. Learn Constantly

I read all the time you have to keep a log of your trades and study each losing trade and learn from your losses. What for?

If you forex trading system is logical, then what do learn from a loss?

You lost!

Big deal, losses are part of the game. Once you have a system you are happy with, you simply need to apply it with discipline and if you want to keep learning, you will end up chasing your tail, in search of the perfect system that doesn't exist.

I use the same forex trading strategy, I learned back in 1988 and have never changed it.

Sure, it isn't perfect but it makes money long term and that' the aim of the game.

So if you have read the above, you will know what not to learn and save yourself some time in your forex trading education and get the right education and win.

Commodity Forex Online Trading - Two Thousand Million Daily Reasons To Try It For Yourself

With daily volume sales of around 3 trillion dollars a day, the Commodity Forex Online Trading market is by far the largest financial trading market in the world. Also known as Forex, the Commodity Forex Online is referred to as FX, Spot FX or even Spot.

If you have ever wonder how big the Commodity Forex Online Trading market is, then be prepared to be truly astounded. Indeed the New York Stock Exchange is a midget in comparison as it "only" trades an average of 2 billion dollars a day. In fact combine both the Stock and the Futures market, multiply it by Three and you'll arrive at a market comparable to that of the Forex Trading market. Did you ever imagine it would have been as big as that?

And just in case you are asking yourself what is that banks trade in Forex Trading, the answer is simple. Money! Loads of it obviously and always in pairs! You see, the simultaneous exchange of one currency against the other is indeed what Forex Trading is and this exchange always takes place in pairs, as in Euro dollar for US dollar (EUR/USD) or the British pound for Japanese Yen (GBP/JPY). And when I mentioned earlier that Commodity Forex Online Trading market was traded by banks, I was partially right as you will discover later on in this article!

Back in earlier times, when money hadn't been invented and things were seemingly simpler, local economies relied on the principle of bartering when one product was exchanged for another. The value of each product was set by how much the owner of each product thought their product was and this method held for hundreds of years. It is ironic that in this day and age, the Commodity Forex Online Trading Market is still based on a straight bartering exchanging system. Of course, today, the value of each currency is floated and thus independently determined, as opposed to how it was not so long ago when Forex was introduced.

Unlike traditional purchases, a currency is sought as a sign of investment in it's country's economy. The stronger the economy, the safer the trader is that his/her newly acquire currency will not only hold its current value but possibly be even stronger in the future. At times, a trader might forecast that a particular country is due for an upturn in its economy and decide to purchase currency from that very country.

The Commodity Forex Online Market is not only the largest in the world, but it is also unique in that it doesn't have a physical geographical location, nor does it rely on a central exchange entity. Forex Trading is considered an over the counter market and does not have any restrictions in boundaries. Trading takes place through a network of computers communicating with each other, within a network of banks, 24 hours a day.

In the old days, back in the late 1990's Commodity Forex Market was reserved for banks and large financial institutions who had the funds to be able to invest the required millions of US Dollars as "working capital". Today, things have changed drastically since, through the rise of the Internet, smaller retailers and indeed moms and pops operations can trade in the Commodity Forex Online Trading Market.

Not only is the Commodity Forex Online Trading Business now accessible to all, but with the advent of technology, one doesn't even have to have any prior knowledge of Forex to become an expert and successful trader. Indeed software such as Forex Killer make it now possible to bypass completely the learning curve and enter into this new and exciting market as a true expert.

Earning BIG Money Forex Trading Takes Discipline and Smarts

Everyone is becoming curious about Forex trading. It can earn you a lot of cash, but it can also cause you to lose loads of money. It is a high risk market, but with automated Forex trading systems and a few basics, you can become a profitable trader. There are five important aspects of Forex trading; knowledge, budget, broker, discipline, and tools.

Knowledge: Before beginning to Forex trade you have to know what you are doing. No one jumps in a lake without first learning to swim unless they are suicidal. Take the time to learn the language and different strategies, and practice before investing thousands.

Budget: You cannot trade with little or no money. You need to know how much you can afford to lose before deciding how much to invest. Regular accounts cost a lot of money to open, but there are smaller accounts such as mini and micros that allow you to trade at a much lower lever. Some automated Forex trading programs can get you started for as little as $500.

Broker: A broker for Forex trading is the middle man between the trader and the currency market. They complete requested transactions for the buyer or seller. In order to trade, you must have a foreign currency broker registered with the Futures Commission Merchant. These brokers are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and are typically associated with a large bank. Discipline: You have to set limits and be prepared to stick to them. You can get in deep fast without set limits. Automatic Forex trading allows you to program in your stops, decreasing human emotion and error. When emotion becomes involved with any gamble, forex trading included, bad things can happen. You also need confidence to pull off risky trades, hesitating will often result in a loss.

Tools: You have to have the right help to trade correctly and make a profit. No Forex trading software is foolproof. They are not guarantees to making money, they are tools! Never-the-less Automated Forex trading has many benefits that will favorably increase your chances of making money and is well worth looking into.

Don't hesitate to research forex trading online or ask for help understanding terms, forex trading strategies, or quotes. The more you know before you begin, the better off you will be.

nelson marketing venture

As a forex trader you will be interested in this information. Recently there has been the release of Forex Trading Software that has very unique characteristics and that without any doubt will make your life easier in your quest for becoming a profitable forex trader. First let's review what we mean by a profitable forex trader. You become a profitable trader when your trades, even if you have got some losers among them, are in the money, this is, you have earned more than what you lost. This implies you must have a good cash management strategy and a clear idea of what trades will have the highest probability of succeeding so you can be profitable. In short you can lose but you must win at least one more trade than the loser ones. The Forex Killer Software is software that can be used by professionals and beginners. It also works with all trading platforms because it is an independent program. You just have to feed it with market data and follow it's trading advice. In short this software is a signal generator based on a number of forex indicators, just what you need for any trading strategy to succeed. It's a standalone platform that you install and run in your computer. You don´t need to pay signal services any more and you will have much more accurate signals at hand, so you will know when to sell or buy a given currency with a very high probability of getting a profitable trade. The strategy applied in the Forex Killer Software has been designed to be useful for trading any major currency pair such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, you name it. Your trading will be the application of three simple steps: Feed the software with the needed data, press the "Calculate" Button to generate the next signal and its probability, place the market orders and collect your profit. We could say this software belong to the new generation of automated forex trading softwares, being this one the most advanced out there. I wasn't completely new to Forex Trading when I picked up the software, but I wasn't doing as well as I would have liked. Making some decent spare change to help with the bills, but I really wanted the big bucks. I started to feel a little despair when I can across the Forex Killer Software package. It quite literally changed my life overnight. I have been using the software for over a month now and have managed to consistently earn over $2500 per week using its signals. I'm definitely not the only one either. The software has been purchased by more than 3000 people and so far the success rate is extremely high. Proof of this is in the large amount of positive testimonials you can find all over the net. Further to this, Forex Killer has also been featured on CNN, one of the largest and most reputable news outlets on earth. A few other positive aspects of the software include * It is a proven money making machine and has lead many to a path of financial security and independence * There is only one upfront payment, no need for monthly subscription fees or expensive charges to get the latest signals * You receive LIFETIME updates for the software, if anything is upgraded you will be given the latest version immediately * The creators of the software use it themselves, so you are sure you are getting the best and most accurate information possible

So, even if you think you have tried everything in forex trading and you will never get to the profitable status you wish the Forex Killer Software can have a direct impact on what you think you can achieve by becoming a forex trader. Click Here!

Currency Trading Informational Tips

I'm going to share with you some of my currency trading informational tips. This is a huge market with over three trillion dollars a day in trades, making it the largest market in the world. This means there are plenty of opportunities for people to get involved and make profits.

The first tip I will give you is to always be thinking, what is on the news? The news never talks about anything related to the forex market, but it does talk about the economy and the economy is the foundation that holds up a currency, which makes it very important. News related to the GDP, unemployment rates or consumer spending all reflect on the state of the economy. If things are going great, than the price of currency should be good. If things are going bad, than you can expect a currency to take a dive.

Take advantage of your demo account. They won't make you an elite big time trader, but it will help you grow as a new trader. You can test out strategies without ever having to risk a penny of your money. That is pretty significant. You also get a chance to learn your trading platform without having to worry about making a mistake or pushing the wrong button.

Lastly, you'll want to keep it simple. When you over complicate things, you will end up getting frustrated and make mistakes. This doesn't help you out that much. You need to do simple tasks, along with simple analysis and making simple trades.

I Trade Forex and So Can You

I tell people that I trade forex and they always ask me if they can too. Yes, it really isn't that hard. If you look back 30 years ago, it wasn't possible for individuals to trade. You had to be a large bank or firm to be involved in the market. Today, with the amazing growth of the internet, everyone has the chance to trade in this market from their own home.

When you first start out, you're going to have to assess whether you have the money to risk at this time. There is an old rule with gambling "only gamble what you're willing to lose". This means if you have bills to pay, don't take money away from that to do this. There is a learning curve to this. You need to start out small and you need to use money that you have extra of. You could easily cut out a non-essential part of your spending, to finance trading forex, just make sure you're not risking money you can't afford to lose.

The next step is to find yourself a good broker. This can be somewhat of a daunting task because there are a lot out there and some aren't that good. This means you're going to have to invest a lot of your time finding one that is good enough to meet your needs. The best advice I could give on this is to goto forex forums. These are easy to search on Google. These are communities where traders talk about anything. Hot topics are typically brokers, so you'll hear which ones are good and bad.

Lastly, I trade forex with my demo account a lot. The demo account is like a real simulation of trading, except you don't risk any money. It's really a beneficial way of getting a real experience of how this works.

Friday, June 13, 2008

SOFT SKILLS: What It Takes To Become A Professional Stocks Trader

The things that separate the amateur stocks trader from the professional stocks trader are the same things that separate the boys from the men. And no, I’m not being sexist there. Everyone, and I mean everyone is indeed capable of making the jump to becoming a successful professional stocks trader. However, what many amateur stocks traders lack is often NOT knowledge, but important SOFT SKILLS. Now you may be wondering: what do I mean by soft skills?

Firstly, I would like the clear up the distinction between hard and soft skills. Hard skills are those traits that place an emphasis on knowing the technical aspects of stocks trading. For example, what a put option is, what a future is, what this index means etc. On the other hand, soft skills are those traits that place an emphasis on the mentality of the trader especially how they react to changes in the price of stocks.

There are 3 types of soft skills that I find to be the most important and which you can acquire in order to graduate from being an amateur stocks trader to a professional stocks trader.

1. ***You’re in it for the long term*** : professional stocks traders are successful because they have a long term vision. They are never in it for a short term gain. Why? Because short term gains are generally small and sometimes non-existent. But if they’re there for a long period, let’s say 5 years, then they can realistically expect a healthy and bigger return due to the longer time period. So the message is that any success in stock trading can only be guaranteed if you invest for the long term. Short term gains are only for amateur stocks traders!

2. ***Expect to make losses*** : this soft skill is related to the first skill of being in it for the long term. Professional stocks traders always expect to make losses in the short term in order for a greater reward in the long term. It’s easy to get turned off by the prospect of making losses but the truth of the matter is that if all that you expect are gains, then you will be disappointed and will get out of stocks trading before you know it. Short term losses are all part of the process of making a gain in the long term. Therefore, it’s important to not be discouraged by the prospect of losses in order to ultimately be successful as a professional stocks trader.

3. ***Be decisive!*** : Napoleon Hill says that successful people are those that makes decisions quickly and change them slowly. This is also a trait of successful professional stocks traders. Unfortunately, most stocks traders are those who make decisions slowly and change them quickly. And in a volatile stockmarket, making decisions quickly becomes even more important. Changes in the stockmarket have to be reacted to quickly but they must be done in a decisive manner, because sticking to your decisions is one of the traits of a successful professional stocks trader.

Those are probably the 3 most important soft skills that professional stocks traders employ than amateur ones do not. However, there are courses on the Internet that teach you these soft skills and others in much greater depth. It’s all about finding the best course and program for you. In particular, there is one great course called Masterful Trading that we offer for FREE on our website and which can be immediately accessed by anyone. In addition, we have other great articles on the latest techniques and strategies for successful stock trading.

Indian Exporters Found Easily Online

Indian Exporter

India’s potential base of exporters are represented by small scale and mid sized business. What are you looking out for in an Indian exporter’s guide online. Post your selling trade leads there or look for buyers who have posted buying leads. They also help in generating trade leads and business leads. Also, International trade leads come around quite frequently and in most cases, instantly. In other words, it facilitates all the business needs for all importers and exporters. Try your online exporter’s directory for better results.

Smaller firms discover new market, create new products, find new markets for old products and find new ways to accomplish old tasks. The same qualities that make small firms succeed in domestic markets can be brought to bear on their ability to export. Find online buyers and sellers for a gamut of products ranging from accessories to automobiles, Gems to jewelry, apparel to machinery etc. Online directories offer you an online one source, from where you can search an Indian supplier of a particular product and at the same time compare the rates and the kind of services too. You are able to search indian exporter by writing the keyword you are looking for or make Indian exporters find you by posting your buying leads. Fashion jewelry, beaded fashion jewelry such as fashion necklaces, resin bangles, glass beaded bracelets, cuff bangle bracelets, metal earings, beaded earrings, metal necklaces set and wooden necklaces whatever it is about jewelry just click and find it yourself.

Agencies responsible for export programs will provide encouragement and support to small business across the nation as they move into the international marketplace. You may search for buyers online or look for them up in the online directories of importers or contact importers associations and the chambers of commerce. Find your prospective buyers and sellers because it acts as a one stop shop destination for them. Besides getting the comprehensive list of importers and exporters, they also offer value added services to facilitate end to end business interactions between the international trading community.

One source for all your varied products’ exporters online. Also, take benefit of reduction in a lot of overheads. It not only reduces your transaction time and cost but also reduces supplier costs, generate new business contacts, and increase sales. Identifying the needs of the small business exporter and developing a public-private sector partnership that will increase the competitiveness of small business in the international marketplace too. Online directory of Indian exporter is your right guide!

Use Free Methods For Your Home Based Business Traffic

An Internet home based business requires web traffic for the growth of the business. There are several ways to kick start your website traffic. However, many new home based businesses do not have the resources to generate additional traffic for their website. That is okay, do not spend a cent.

All you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You must also have the perseverance and drive to do research and hard work to generate the traffic your home based business website needs.

It is wonderful to acquire additional traffic for your home based business website without spending a single cent. However wonderful it is, it could take some time to develop your website traffic.

Take full advantage of the many online forums and communities on home based businesses. The wonderful thing about online forums and communities is you target a certain group of individuals that have the same interest and ideas you are looking for. You can discuss many things about the niche your home based business represents and offers.

With online forums and communities you can build a reputation for your home based business website. Show them you know about your website niche and wow them with your range of knowledge and expertise about the subject. Build a reputation and trust within the forums and communities.

The signature file you create in the forums and communities is the key to generating traffic. Your signature file should contain links to your home based business website. Each time you make a post, your signature file will be displayed.

The more quality post you make the more trusting forum members will become and in turn will visit your home based business website. Since you have built trust and a reputable reputation, forum members will want to purchase from your home based business website.

Make use of newsletters. Provide your subscribers with a catalog of your home based business products along with entertaining and interesting articles. Make your work at home newsletter really entertaining and interesting and more people will want to subscribe to it.

Your subscribers will also recommend it to other people. The more people who subscribe to your home based business newsletter, the more people will go to your website, thus increasing your traffic and income.

Trading links with other sites provides another great opportunity to generate traffic for your home based business. All you have to spend is time. Just reach an agreement with another webmaster to exchange links, the efforts both sites do will benefit each website. When traffic goes to the other website, that traffic could potentially click on the link of your home based business website. This works especially well when both websites feature the same home based business theme.

Write articles that pique the interest of people who might be interested in your home based business services or products. Write articles that provide guides and tips about your services and products. Write articles that provide good knowledge and service to other people who will provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

There are many websites that offer free article submission and posting. When people find interest in your articles they will be interested in what else the author, you, has to offer. Include a link and a brief description of your home based business with the article in the author's bio section. There is an outstanding chance your readers will visit your home based business website.

Write good original content for your home based business website. Search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your website uses and how they are used. Make sure the content for your home based business website is entertaining as well as informative. The content should provide certain requirements as well as great quality.

Usually, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords and keyword phrases, you can receive a high ranking in the search engine results without the costs. These methods and more will drive traffic to your home based business website for free. The internet offers you many ways to locate information on how to optimize the potential of your home based business in generating traffic. All it takes is dedication, a bit of effort, and time. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a home based business website generating lots of traffic without the usual costs.

Planning today, enjoying in the future

Taking care of your family in the future is all about financial planning and one of the fastest growing methods to achieve this financial freedom is through investing. From real estate to mutual funds, there are no real limits to investing money; it really is up to you. This is how many people believe the will achieve financial security and a way to provide for their family in the future. While the subject is very large, the information listed here is for guidance only and further information should be sought before you jump-in with both feet.

The stock market is a great place to make money, and if you intend on doing this with stocks and mutual funds, it is highly recommended that you first carry out some research on the companies you wish to invest in. Over time, the stock market is a good bet for investors but it should really be viewed by novices as a long term proposition as a quick-buck is often only something the professionals will make. The safer option, and also one that can be used for long term profit as well, is real estate and buying a house can increase in value considerably. Many people buy homes that need upgrading and this is a way to buy them at a knock down price but it should be remembered that to sell on a house for a profit requires a little more than just a coat of paint.

Before considering this option carry out some research because there is more involved than has been mentioned here; something that does is not so much of a problem with the next area to be looked at. Today, since the advent of the internet and secure websites, online trading has become the fastest growing sector for investment and all from the comfort of your own home. Using a computer, this group of people comes from all walks of life and this allows them to be a trader who performs his or her own company research before they decide to buy or sell. This form of speculation must be done by a person with a strong sense of discipline because many people become addicted to the biding and find themselves losing money faster than they can earn it.

If you plan on investing, make sure you educate yourself in the market and means in which you wish to proceed. Whatever field you find most interesting, the key to long term success is research, plain and simple. Once again, the internet can help with forums and sites devoted to supplying tips and tricks for successful online investment, use these and learn from the experience of others. I know many people that thoroughly enjoy investing this way and having control over an investment portfolio; I also know a few who approached it the wrong way and lost large sums of money in the process so be one of the wise ones.

How $ 5000 was Turned into $ 30000 in 4 Days of Forex Trading

Many times this type of article heading is created for hype to promote a particular Forex trading strategy or Expert Advisors system (Automatic Forex Trading).

When this achievement is done by a very experienced and conservative trader with nothing to sell or promote or nothing to prove to anybody in particular, one has to investigate further.

A Forex broker statement is available detailing these trades. After studying this Forex trading Broker statement it is amazing that there were only 5 trades using only one currency (the GBPJPY). Most traders would not believe that a 500% return can be generated with only 5 successful deals.

The exceptional results were achieved is 2 ways.

The trader used a high probability forex trading system which stacked the odds very firmly in the traders favour. This is a bit like gambling but in this case being the Casino so you can stack the odds in your favour.

The second most important aspect was that the trader used a money management system which allowed exponential growth on the trading account.

The money management system works like this. You risk the maximum amount of your forex trading account on each trade. Now this sounds absolutely suicidal. Remember that the margin you have to allocate to each deal is returned to you after the deal. This happens even if the deal is positive or negative. So you can never wipe out you account in a hurry. In most cases you can get more back as a return of margin from your Forex Broker than you may have lost.

Using this Forex Trading money making method means you lose slowly but gain exponentially. So how does the method work? You simply add up your margin requirements (Say $100), your stop loss (Say $50). This gives you the capital required to trade one lot of your proposed deal ($150). So let us assume you have $1500 in your account. That means you can trade 10 lots in your proposed deal ($1500 divided by $150). Let also assume that your target is 60 pips ($60).

If the deal goes well you will increase your account by $600 to $2100. You can now trade many more lots on your next trade. If your deal goes bad your account will decrease by $450 to $1050. You will now not be able to trade as many lots for your next deal. Using this system you loose slowly and gain quickly (a bit like watching your body weight).

That is exactly the method this trader used to increase the trading account by 500% using only 5 trades. Another important fact is that $5000 only represented 5% of the traders total trading capital. So although this looks like very aggressive trading the trader could only lose 5% of the trading capital available after a series of negative trades.

Hopefully you found this educational and of interest to your Forex trading. Try this approach on your demo account. You will be amazed at the results.

Forex Trading - Why Most Forex Traders CANNOT Accept Big Profits

Sounds odd, doesn't it? We all want big profits from our forex trading but it's a fact that most traders cannot accept them due to one main problem which we will examine in this article.

Let's look at a common scenario.

A trader has patiently been waiting to get long a currency he gets his buy signal and executes his trading signal and the trade moves into profit - all is going to plan!

The open profit starts to get bigger and the price swings start to come back and eat is open profit. The trader thinks he better take it before the profit gets away but he holds longer and the profit gets bigger and bigger. The bigger it gets, the more tempted he is to take it and eventually, he snatches it and banks a small or marginal profit.

What happens next?

The trade goes on the same way the trader thought for weeks longer and piles up profits of $10, $20 or $30,000 and he is not in the trade, benefiting from the direction he knew it would go in!

This is a common scenario - people want big profits but can't hold them. Why?

The main reasons are - traders don't have enough confidence in there ability or method and snatch anything they can get. Also, they don't like open equity dips -everybody hates seeing there open equity dip - but if you want to make big profits you have to accept them, it's as simple as that.

Look at any forex chart and you will see, currency trends last for weeks months or years that can give you seven figure profits and of course, because the rewards are so high its hard and if its hard you would expect it to hard but there is a big difference between something being hard and achievable.

Learn to love open equity dips and see them as short term and keep your eye on the bigger price. Look back at charts and you will see how long big trends last - a long time!

Most traders don't take the time to learn forex trend following and don't have the mental discipline to follow these trends but if you have the right mindset to do it and the right forex education to give you confidence you can make a killing holding and milking these trends.

You need confidence, courage and conviction combine this with the right education and you could easily be making triple digit annual gains and be on the road to spectacular currency trading success.

Mechanical Forex Trading Systems - Why Most Forex Robots Will Wipe You Account Out Quickly by kelly Price

I keep seeing forex robots online for sale and the vast majority, (well over 95%) will wipe your equity out. There is one main reason for this and you can read about it in this article...

The reason is - they have never been traded and the track record is simply a paper back tested simulation! Would you trust a golf instructor who had never played golf to teach you?

Of course not! However, thousands of traders, trust these systems that are not proven and never made any real money. Look at most of the mechanical trading systems online and they have the warning below written on them:

"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".

Well that's doesn't exactly inspire confidence does it?

Seriously, if you see a forex robot with the above on it, you have to wonder about your chances of making money with it are - not much in my view.

Also if it's as good as the testing why the vendor doesn't trade it?

Well the reason is of course the vendor knows it won't work. Chances are he is not even a trader, just a clever marketer, who knows greedy or naïve traders, will fall for some clever sales copy.

As a trader, I actually find some of the mechanical forex trading systems sold are an insult to my industry with there ridiculous claims and track records Warren Buffet would be proud of!

There is no easy money, this is a game for big boys and girls, who know success is not easy - but know that if they get a good forex education and have the right mindset, they can make a lot of money.

When there is a lot of money to be made its not easy and you don't get thousands of dollars per month buying a worthless simulated system for hundred bucks or so that's not the real world.

You can make a lot of money so get the right forex education and get the right mindset and get started on the road to success, in one of the most challenging but exciting businesses in the world - global forex trading.

Trust your future success to you and don't put it in the hand of a mechanical forex robot however enticing the copy is - remember its not real just simulation on paper, that's all

Forex Day Trading - Find the Best Day Trading Systems For Bigger Profits

Forex day trading attracts more new traders than any other method of trading and there are plenty of day trading systems to choose from but how to choose the best ones read on and find out...

If you are considering forex scalping or day trading, then you need to reconsider your options - it doesn't work and all the systems you see fail in real time. If you wondering why read the disclaimer below and you will see:

"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".

They simply haven't been traded - there put together from past data in imaginary trades. Well that's no indication of profits and if you're like me you would want to know a system has made real money.

So why haven't the vendors traded them?

After all they want you to trust something they claim will make big money (and show track record even though it's not real) and you would think, they would have the confidence to trade what they promote. The reason they don't is they don't have the confidence they will work and rely on selling systems to make money.

In fact forex day trading systems are based on logic that is totally flawed.

Sit back and think about this:

How many traders are trading currencies? Countless millions - all with different views, skills and aims and you are going to have to figure out what this diverse mass may or may not do, in a matter of hours - can you do it?

Try and see and you will fail because all the volatility in short time spans within a day is random. If you have random data, where prices can go anywhere and no technical tools work how can you make money?

You can't

Day trading is a good story but so to is James Bond - but a story is a story and reality is reality and the reality of day trading is, the odds are against you and you will lose in time. If you are still not convinced, try and find a long term track record of day trading profits over 2 years, supported by broker statements. Let me know when you find one of these, as I have been searching for 26 years and not found one yet!

Avoid forex day trading systems and trade longer term where you can get the odds on your side and win.

Forex Trading - These People With Just 14 Days Training Made Millions

Its true and one of the most famous experiments in trading history, where a group of people were taught to trade, went on to become trading legends and make hundreds of millions of dollars. How did they do it?

Let's look at this fascinating story, as there is much to learn.

We first need to go back to the eighties, when trading legend Richard Dennis, decided to set out to prove that anyone could win at trading - with the right mindset and education.

He gathered a group of people who had never traded before, from all walks of life, all ages both sexes and various levels of academic achievement. They varied from a kid fresh from school, to a security guard and an actor and many more. He then set about teaching them to trade, in just 14 days.

He then gave them accounts and the rest has gone down in trading history.

This group made hundreds of millions of dollars and become trading legends.

So there you have it - anyone can learn to trade and do it quickly.

You maybe thinking well if its that easy, why do 95% of traders lose their equity?

The answer is its achievable and within reach of anyone - but its not easy!

You wouldn't expect it to be with the rewards on offer but you can do it if you keep these points firmly in mind:

1. You need a simple method you understand

The system these traders used was simple (it was essentially a long term trend following breakout system) and the traders had confidence in it because they knew exactly how and why it worked. Dennis didn't tell them to blindly follow him - he taught them the system to use for themselves and the next point separates out winners from losers:

2. From Understanding Comes Discipline.

To trade successfully you must have discipline. You have heard it's important and it's vital. If you cannot follow your trading method with discipline, you simply don't have one!

Discipline comes from confidence and understanding - if you don't know how and why your system works and have the confidence to follow it, you won't have discipline.

Staying with a method when your taking loss after loss is hard, (even the best traders face this and you will to) but you must stay on track and profits eventually will come.

Sure you may not become as rich as the above group but do what they did.

Get yourself a simple robust forex long term trend following system and follow it with discipline and if you have courage and a solid forex trading strategy, you can enjoy currency trading success.

The world has changed incredibly over the past couple of decades-and there is no greater indication of that than in the world of stock trading and inv

If you are not making as much money as you would like from your forex trading or want to get a great tip before you start, learn this simple rule and make it part of your forex trading strategy for bigger profits...

The rule is the 80 / 20 rule and it applies in many areas of life and that includes forex trading. This simple rule states that 80% of your income comes from 20% of your efforts.

Its used in business for example, where 20 % of clients very often give 80% of the income - so how does it apply to forex trading?

Simple - cut your trading frequency to high odds trades only!

Many traders take to many trading signals - but there is no correlation between how much you trade and your profits. Your judged on the accuracy of your trading signal and that's it.

The fact is the big forex trends and high odds trades don't come around that often.

For example, I know traders who trade less than 12 times a year yet make over 100% annualized gains.

These guys are not looking for 20 0r 30 pips there after 1,000s.


The big profits come from the big trends, that last weeks, months or years and if you want to make money, focus on these not the low odds trades.

If you consider how many people day trade and try forex scalping you will understand what I mean.

These are lots of low odds trades and day traders and scalpers lose. They try hard and lose, sad but true. On the other hand the patient trader who hits high odds trades spends less time on his or her trading - but makes a lot of money.

Never confuse how frequently you trade with how much profit you will make.

Take high odds trades only, show patient and you will have higher profits, with less stress and spend less time on your trading.

Long term trend following is the way to make money don't trade often but aim to make a lot when you do, understand this and you can enjoy currency trading success.

How to choose a Stockbroker

The world has changed incredibly over the past couple of decades-and there is no greater indication of that than in the world of stock trading and investing.

In time gone-by, the majority of investors would pick their stocks via a traditional stockbroker at a brokage firm. The transaction would involve paper based stock certificates being issued to the stock buyer. The types of investments available to "average investor" were also highly limited.

Today the same 'average investor" can trade anything from single stocks to currencies, commodities and indices-all with the simple click of a mouse-and without ever leaving the home.

But with choice come confusion-deciding on what stockbroker fits your needs like a glove can be a daunting process. This guide has been designed to give you a understanding of the different types of stockbrokers services that exist, and help you decide which on is right for you.

Here are just a few of the many issues that you will need to consider when deciding on your preferred stockbroker:

Do you feel comfortable executing your trade online,with one click ease, or do you prefer doing your business with a actual person, on the phone or even in person? The availability of technology has meant that firms are able to process large volumes of trades cheaply, so if you don't need a person to talk with to make your trades then there are a large number of "no frills" online brokages services that will allow you to do business for a few dollars per trade.

How many tranacitons you make will go a long way toward deciding which brokerage services is the right one for you. Some firms will offer price breaks for frequent traders-so if you're a day trader then you can find a service that far better equipped for your needs than if you were an ifrrequent investor.

Do you require a basic"execution only" service or do you require some advice when making your trade? Clearly an execution only service is going to be cheaper.

For more information:

Make Money online- 17yr old success

I have always thought there was a fault with Doubling Stocks. It's too cheap and you know they can't be making any money at all from their newsletters. But what a ride it has been! The recommendations have been great all along. Doubling Stocks trading system was developed by Michael and Carl, two investment professionals.

No, not every pick is a winner, but to my knowledge, there is no one on the planet that can make that claim. However, they have been right more than 90% of the time since I got involved.

Recently, Doubling Stocks hired someone to create a software program for them. They did not hire just anyone, they contracted with a man who designed a stock analysis software program for Goldman Sachs - a program that nets them approximately 4 Billion Dollars in profits a year, this program was called "Marl".

So what is their incentive and where does it come from? It took a lot of money to implement Marl, the Robot Stock Picker (a software program). Marl is good and does an excellent job.

Here is what Marl does:

- Marl analyzes 7 charts every second as opposed to a professional stock trader who analyzes one stock chart every 8 to 10 seconds. - Marl process 1,986,832 mathematical calculations per second. - Marl constantly perfects its trading formula. - Marl looks at support and resistance levels, volume traded, consolidation patterns and trend reversals patterns. - Marl is responsible for creating 86 millionaires and 13 multi-millionaires.

Although "Marl" has been quite successful but nonetheless, not many people can afford it because it costs a hefty $28,000, this had detered many average Joe like you& me who want to make money but can't fork out this amount of money for Marl.

Because of this, Michael and Carl started the Doubling Stocks newsletter. Each week every reader of the newsletter receives one penny stock pick chosen by Marl.

Just four months after the newsletter started, the first stock I witnessed was Superclick Inc which gained 60% in less than 3 weeks ( recommended on May 6th at $.11 and three weeks later was sold for $.18).

Can Doubling Stocks really make you money? Yes, it can. With this proof of a good ability in picking very profitable Penny Stocks I do think it is time to gamble some money on penny stocks. I have came across many rivals of Doubling Stocks, products and systems worth over thousands but providing more or less the same success rate as Doubling Stocks, so why spend so much more when you can get it at a lower price?!

Remember not to gamble all your money and watch the stocks you invest in well. It is much better to go out with a 30 % gain than to wait and maybe risk loosing some of your money.

If Doubling Stocks has any openings left when you read this, give it a try. If it turns out that it is not right for you, they will give you your money back. So you really have nothing to lose - and that is unique in this business.

3 Green Tips for an Energy Efficient Office

Going green at home is something everyone who watches television has probably heard plenty about. However, going green at the office is a relatively uncommon topic, and yet many companies in the U.S. are taking step to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases that affect global warming.

The best part is, you can quickly and easily do your part to green your office with just a few simple tips. They don't take much time, but they will make a world of difference.

The areas you can focus on in the office are plentiful, but here are 3 that can get you started. They involve your office air conditioning and heater settings, office lighting and office equipment use.

1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy offer staggering reports and suggestions on temperature control and lighting. You can save as much as $150 every year in energy costs by installing a programmable thermostat.

This apparatus allows you to set the temperature for when the office is closed and when it opens, and for when there is a higher flow of traffic or no traffic on the weekends. In turn, you will be setting your temperature according to office hour factors.

Constant raising and lowering of temperature makes your air conditioning and heating units run overtime which can also cost you. So, once you have programmed your thermostat, don't touch it!

2. Replace Light Bulbs According to the EPA, using ENERGY STAR qualified light bulbs use 75% less energy than their run of the mill counterparts. They also last 10 times longer and produce 75% less heat which will reduce cooling costs.

By changing out the lights you are currently using, you should see an immediate change in your electric bill, even if it is just a few dollars. And chances are, your savings will be a lot more than that.

3. Check Office Equipment

Some questions you should ask yourself are:

* How old is my equipment? * How often do you use each machine? * Do they power off automatically? * Do they stay on overnight?

Computers, copiers, printers and fax machines suck up the most energy in an office and are oftentimes left on 24 hours, 7 days a week. In 2007, qualifications for office equipment to be rated with the ENERGY STAR changed, which should lead you to consider trading up on older models. ENERGY STAR equipment on average are 25% more efficient, power down automatically when they are not being used, print double sided to reduce paper waste and run cooler yet again saving you on cooling costs.

Unplugging equipment will also save your office on energy. If something is not in use or over the weekend, unplug your machines. It will only take you an extra 30 seconds to go around the office to unplug machines that are not currently in use. It is a simple solution to keep your electric meter outside from rotating.

Try it out. Go outside and look at how fast your meter is going around. Now go back into your office and unplug you equipment. Then, run back outside and check your meter again. You will notice a considerable difference by simply pulling plugs when you are not using the machines they are hooked up to.

Implementing these steps will show off your "Green Wisdom" and it's basic stuff you do at home; turning things off when you are not using them and replacing the old with newer, more energy efficient products.

Don't bother going shopping either. All the purchases needed to make these changes can be done on-line. Besides, you don't want to waste gas, do you?

FOREX Trading - The Scam That Will Steal Your Forex Trading Funds

The Forex is the worldwide market that is used to exchange currencies of different companies. It is called by many names including the FX and Foreign Exchange. This is a market on the move with business and governments constantly looking to secure a known exchange rate for whatever currency they are going to exchange to.

This means that there are always parties looking to buy or sell a particular currency, which makes these markets very liquid, and a great opportunity for private investors. Because of the profound investment opportunities inside the Forex private investing has sky rocketed. And with this growth have come a number of scams to take advantage of un-experienced traders.

Small business and individuals who are looking to make quick profits from the FX are the ones falling prey to these con artists. The scams promise the allure of a quick buck without any track record of success in actually trading the markets. And because of the extreme volatility of these markets you could easily end up losing everything that you have invested in one single transaction.

The Broker Scam

The storefront broker scam is the first that you may encounter. This is where someone will set up a sophisticated looking website with a false Chicago address and claim to be a genuine broker. If you place your money with a shop like this you will have very little chance of getting your money back. It is wise to read all the material they provide closely to make sure they are even authorized to trade in the Forex markets, most are in countries that are not permitted to do so, they are just collecting as much cash as possible before they close down.

It is wise to do your investigating and talk to other traders to see whom they use for trading. And also get under the wing of a veteran trader who can show you the ropes. Or even check out some of the automated trading systems that are on the markets today. They are chock-full of proven trading strategies that you can use to profit with until you understand the markets further.

Forex Trading Tutorial - Tutorial For Trading The Forex With Financial Leverage & Power

Did you know it is not the markets movements that make the Forex such a powerful tool for financial gain? The fact is when it comes to wild market swings, the stock market is probably the hands down winner with point moves in the hundreds. So why then is Forex so much more powerful than NYSE? The answer is in leverage.

Normal markets like stocks require that you have the exact money for the position you are trading. In other words they are a cash and carry type of market. The Forex is completely different in that you are only required to make a deposit on the trade, your broker will cover the rest of the money. This means that you are controlling a much larger position that you have to put up cash for. It is a bit like buying a $400,000 house with only 10% down. You only put down $40,000 dollars but you now control an asset worth ten times as much.

Here's where Forex Trading really begins to shine. Unlike the real estate market the Currencies move up and down a significant amount in minutes and hours instead of months and years. And unlike real estate the leverage is many times greater, to the order of 200:1 or even 400:1. This means that to control a $100,000 in currencies at a 400:1 leverage you would only need to have a .25% deposit on hand, which equals $250. Thus the power of leverage - if that market rises only 1% in a day the total gain would be $1000 for a risk of $250. This would yield a 400% return on investment with only a 1% market move.

Do you see the power of leverage now?

The Dreaded Margin Call

Of course, if a market can go up and make tremendous gains on leverage, it can also go down and have you losing money by the same amount of lever. So a 1% down turn in the market scenario mentioned above would have you losing $1,000 instead of gaining.

The brokers know this risk and have gone to great lengths to cover themselves by requiring what is called a maintenance margin. This maintenance margin is usually equal to the amount of leverage used in trading. So if you were trading at 200:1 leverage a 2% maintenance margin would be mandated.

When your losses have taken your account below the funds that are required to be above that maintenance margin, your broker will have the unpleasant duty of calling you on the phone and telling you to deposit more money or exit your trade position. You will then need to scramble an electronic transfer of cash in order to keep the privilege of trading your account. The Maintenance margin and the margin call are means for the brokers to protect themselves from losing money by having to cover traders losses at the end of each day.

As scary as these calls may be they are usually only received by people who do not know how to properly manage their trading account.